‘The Two Popes’, why I loved this film

Hi people, 

Yesterday night, I watched ‘The Two Popes’. 

If you have watched the film then it is great (we can talk in the comment section, if not then please watch.) 

In the times where sadness is encircling around us like locust swarms, we need to remind ourselves that the world wasn’t always this dark and sad.

We need to remind ourselves of the moments that we lived before with friends and families with a glass of wine (or multiple pints of beer :p).

Yesterday, I lived such a moment. I watched the movie. And, I loved it. 

Why I loved the film

Let me tell you a bit about the film (for people who haven’t watched). Don’t worry there is nothing like spoilers because watching this film is an experience that we all experience differently.

This film is based on the historical events around the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI and the election of Pope Francis. 

So, it includes conversations between two popes about theology and recent controversies around the church.

If you wish to know how much is true about this film then I will tell you what the screenwriter Anthony McCarten has told to the Wrap .

“There’s different levels of presumption when you embark on these things. Because no one’s privy to these intimate conversations, this movie is probably more risk-taking than previous ones in that we don’t know really what happened”

– Anthony McCarten

Frankly speaking, I didn’t want to watch the film but I did because I accidentally stumbled upon a scene in which the ‘Pope Francis’ were trying to convince Pope Benedict XVI to continue.

In this scene, the acting of Anthony Hopkins (Pope Benedict XVI) and Jonathan Pryce (Pope Francis) moved me deeply. 

I was moved because Pryce spoke each word with such humility and richness that it seemed real. 

The breathing in and out, pauses, stretches of words that come due to old age, and the soft approach to every word.

In one of the interviews, Jonathan Pryce himself has said that he watched the multiple videos of real Pope Francis to study how he moves, talks and reacts. 

It’s a beautiful film about two lovely human beings who inspired millions in their real lives. 

You may have avoided the film thinking that it would be about Christianity and papacy but it is not. It is about two old people communicating with each other despite mountains of differences. It gives a sense of hope.

The film is so rich that you won’t like to stop it even if you aren’t catholic and don’t believe in Christianity. 

What’s My Takeaway?

Well, I loved the way Jonathan Pryce has portrayed the character of Pope Francis. 

The way, he talks to gardeners, watches football, enquires about the costumes of the guards etc. 

His personality reflects the clarity of thoughts, inner calmness, simplicity and humility.

If you know how to inculcate this sort of personality then please help me because that’s what I want in my life, a life full of clarity, purpose, calmness, firmness and groundedness. 

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